Hey this looks excellent and is very thorough from the quick skim I read. Bit tired currently but i've been looking for insights & hypotheses from the psych community in particular recently. Will bookmark for later and reply comment in detail.
Last few days were full of researching Perceptual Control Theory, knowledge systems, PsyWar and other related interdiscliplinary fields under the umbrella of Vaccination Social Sciences. I love it, but it's taxing, moreso than reading scientific biochem papers or studies.
Fascinating. I'm gonna hunt down some material on ISTDP and see whether it's another tool to consider for our biopolitical pharmaganda warfare
Hey this looks excellent and is very thorough from the quick skim I read. Bit tired currently but i've been looking for insights & hypotheses from the psych community in particular recently. Will bookmark for later and reply comment in detail.
Last few days were full of researching Perceptual Control Theory, knowledge systems, PsyWar and other related interdiscliplinary fields under the umbrella of Vaccination Social Sciences. I love it, but it's taxing, moreso than reading scientific biochem papers or studies.