On the Anniversary of the Great Wuhan Shell Game
This month’s Substack interrupts the much delayed second instalment of the Jordan Peterson vs Andrew Tate battle for the minds of young men (hint, Tate does not fair much better than ole Jordie. Both have a Rocky 2 moment in the final round)
This interim piece also will be a short one, rushed out to align with an important date for 18th October 2024 marks the 5th anniversary of the third and most neglected option in the Wuhan narrative shell game. For those not familiar with the metaphor, a shell game is one in which a small pea is placed under an open surface of a downturned shell. The shell with its concealed pea is slid rapidly over the tables surface in a kind of horizontal juggling act, against the shifting location of two other shells of same size and appearance. The gambler makes the wager their gaze will be able follow the shell bearing the pea and to guess correctly which of the three it’s under when the whirling motion of the grifters hands comes to rest. Meanwhile it’s in the grifters best interest to either move his hands so swiftly that the gambler cannot track the motion (in which the probability of a correct guess is 1/3 in favour of the gambler) OR the artful grifter manages to move in a distraction shell and slow down, biasing the odds towards an incorrect choice as the gambler is sure he has tracked the correct shell.
To make the metaphor clear, the pea is the truth of the origin of covid, the shells representing three conflicting narratives and we are the gambler who ought not let the hubris of our eyes overtake us.
Armchair scholars of the pandemic will be very familiar with two of these shells.
Shell number one was the one we were supposed to fix our gaze upon. This is the wet market hypothesis presented initially as incontrovertible fact against which all competitor hypotheses were framed as wild conspiracy. We all know the story; a bat or a pangolin (or both) carrying a novel coronavirus virus making a cross species jump to humans and the world. And how did this happen? Answer; because the Chinese (or Chynese in Trumpland) will eat anything. The wet market story is life imitating art or art imitating art in the multiple layers of simulacra, for I had seen this one before in Steven Soderbergh’s brilliant propaganda piece, the 2011 film “Contagion” (spoiler alert). Contagion had it all. Public health scientists perish in saintly martyrdom, with somber pacing and visuals reminiscent of Michelangelo’s Creation of Man. Brave virologists test their own experimental vaccines on their own bodies. Meanwhile, the sceptic conspiracy theorist played by Jude Law sporting a non US accent is not merely wrong. No he’s a cowardly scoundrel. He knows his dissident opinion is bull$#%&. But he’s a bounder lacking the integrity of the WHO, UN and CDC, organisations playing a role in the advertisements (sorry films) development from the beginning. Much more could be said of Contagion. The film is to public health what Top Gun 2 is to geopolitics, propaganda pieces and perception measurement devices with deep state involvement masquerading as entertainment. I mention Top Gun:Maverick here as it hints to a theme that will take us from the set of a Tom Cruise film to Wuhan and elsewhere. In a film allowed conditional access to billion dollar military infrastructure we have Cruises character taking off from sea and immediately encountering a topography and Russian supplied air craft arsenal identical to what would be the case if the US launched from the gulf across the Zagros Mountains of southern Iran. We know the target can’t be a fictionalised encounter with Russia herself as the target is a nation with not yet developed nuclear weaponry. Russia already has a colossal nuclear arsenal. Iran doesn’t. The audience loved the film. They will tolerate another war. More on Iran later.
Returning to Contagion and the covid shell game, of interest here is the closing scene, a flashback to how the virus got out. We see Chinese developers encroaching on a forest, disturbing the delicate and heretofore unmolested ecology and introducing bat to pig and virus through these vectors onto the human index case played by Gwenyth Paltrow. The infected pig is brought to a Macau casino, slaughtered and all the excesses of capitalism and its unholy alliance with Chyna come down to a handshake between the infected chef and Paltrow’s character. But for the bulldozer and a disturbed bat, a worldwide pandemic would have been averted. Contagion sets the scene not just for the SARS-Cov2 pandemic yet also the schemes of the WHO to this day. Every aspect of the biosphere contain genomes and antigens requiring cataloguing, monitoring and control. In order for WHO to control the risk of future pandemics, it needs supervene over the forest, the bat, the bulldozer, the banana the bat drops, the pig, the Macau casino restaurant and all the Gwenyth Paltrow’s in the world right down to you and I. One Health for One World (government). And who better to administer it than a puppet Ethiopian communist.
Shell number two is the wet lab leak theory. In its most florid form, this one is represented by the evil scientist Antony Fauci leaping off the spine of Harrisons Internal Medicine and into a collusion with Wuhan Institute of virology scientists towards an end of “gain of function” research (aka designer viruses). The rationale is not as evil as it sounds. In order to be ready for the emergent monsters of the natural world, we need build them first ourselves in a contained environment. Like many microbes, it’s not long before this shell makes a binary split into two sub narratives. Was the virus accidentally released to wage havoc on Wuhan? Woops but evil communist people’s republic of China is dangerous and obliged to pay trillions in reparations for an in good faith mistake. Or was the leak intentional and to what end as a bioweapon against Chyna herself or Trumps United States. If intentional, it would represent a declaration of war from the CPP. Accidental or intentional, whichever the case the United States as a propositional concept of the righteous nation maintains its innocence. The worst the US and her allies might face is throwing Fauci and other rogue friends under the bus. Read RFK Jr’s book for an excellent presentation of shell number two.
Now we come to shell number three, itself a binary split. On precisely the same day 18thOctober 2019 two events occurred. The first was Johns Hopkins hosting event 201, a table top pandemic preparatory hypothetical exercise involving a cross species jump of a novel coronavirus emergent in South America. Like the lab leak theory, much has been written by fellow coincidence theorists on the timing of event 201 just weeks before the virus went global. On one hand the timing was too convenient, On the other hand, event 201 represented just another of a line of similar exercises going back the preceding 20 years. Make of that what you will, yours truly thinks the timing a way too convenient.
The other event was unfolding across the Pacific in a little-known Chinese city called Wuhan. Here on October 18th 2019 we had the opening of the World Military Games, an event where 9,308 military athletes and scores of dignitaries gathered. Now it might be a little challenging to hide deep state intelligence capabilities and opportunities in a few thousand well known civilian elite athletes at a standard Olympics. But this was no ordinary games. This was the military games, an easy cover for intelligence operations and bio weapon delivery systems immune from customs screenings. Unlike the Wuhan institute of virology and the accused wet market, each confined to a single spatial location, the events of the games were spread out far and wide across multiple venues of a city populated by 11 million people. Unlike most populations, military games contain a sample of young ultra fit individuals ripe to incubate a virus enough to reach contagious viral load and mild-moderate illness without taking them over the precipice to serious morbidity or death. What better way to deliver a pay load of infectious bio weapon around the globe to foreign targets before anyone can know or develop PCR or serology as to what they are dealing with. Now before you write me off as weaving threads of carefully selected coincidence into the web of conspiracy, we have a few other facts to contend with. Covid as a diagnostic construct only became discriminated from other illnesses with the advent of the PCR. But we see a clear trajectory of reported illnesses in late 2019, before the official index cases were called in China and abroad. I have said again and again that lockdown could have only succeeded had the whole world gone solitary confinement in Oct 2019. Sure enough and somewhat retrospectively, many foreign military athletes did recall getting ill with a flu like illness in Wuhan, including certain military members of the Islamic republic of Iran. We also had the three primary death spikes outside China in the months following the games. These were in Iran, (northern) Italy and Spain. What do these nations have in common and who served to gain when the pandemic hit these (and the world) hard. Spain especially along with France has a colossal trade in tourism. In prepandemic 2019 Spain groaned under 85 million tourists bringing in 85 billion dollars of revenue, much of this with China and with more trade besides in other sectors. Meanwhile the industrial engine of northern Italy survived and thrived under an enormous Chinese upper middle class flying into Milano and out with a dozen Valentino and Gucci handbags per arm. One has visions of deep state goons coming in, smashing it up with a virus. “Shame if something was to happen to your business” they might say to the country who birthed the mafia. “Be careful who you make friends with” they might say. Some countries have their pipelines blown up. Some get death spikes from unknown (and perhaps unknowable) biological agents. 2019 Spain and Italy both also had rising populist movements whose ascent was cut down by covid, just as it was in Northern Europe and elsewhere. As for Iran, motives were clear and need not be elaborated. We have one curious fact though. In November 2019 soon after the closing ceremony of the games and long before China or anyone else knew what they were dealing with there was a US intelligence report warning of a strange viral illness spreading throughout Wuhan. That report was shared with a nation sending no athletes to the games, a nation now invading Lebanon and which (like the U.S.) has no love for Iran or China. The only reason we are aware of the existence of the report is when anti Trumpists attempted use it to argue he moved too slowly against the virus. Question is this. Did the US/Israel alliance have good intelligence governed by a stupid president? Or was the intelligence so prophetic because the alliance was launching its bio weapon into the heart of China via the games. It knew too much too soon.
Truth be told as truth is our goal, I’m not entirely sold on the the idea shell number 3 hides our pea of truth. But I do believe it’s the stronger of the three. I also wonder why the dissident community has eyes diverted to the institute of virology and why the establishment is leaking out the lab leak hypothesis as limited hangout bait at this time. All China blaming plays into the agenda of the US neo con empire. On the anniversary of the games I still wonder what the pandemic actually was and is as a live issue to this day. Was the virus merely a phantom amplified into a false reality by an over sensitive PCR picking up just another coronavirus variant? Was it nothing more than influenza recoded? After all, flu vanished from the scene when covid stepped up on stage. Was it a non infectious bio weapon released at one or multiple targets, with bone fide infectious agents brought in to the narrative to contaminate the scene? Was it a biological phenomena exploited by so called “convergent opportunistic” interests? Or was it conspiracy from the beginning, to the ends of curbing populist uprisings or waging economic warfare, perhaps a desperate attempt to forestall economic collapse by the injection of money until the new digital economy is ready to take over? Was it a so called beta test of a totalitarian surveillance and social credit state brought upon the world as preparation for the version 2.0, something of a cross between an Asch or Milgram conformity study with n=8 billion? In the end it behoves us to remember that in life as in the shell game, often the pea is often not under any of the shells at all. Sometime during the whirling motion of hands the pea slips into the pocket of the grifter against whom we make the bet. All of our guesses will be wrong. What matters is one fact. When you lose the bet as we all lost our freedom during covid, who walked away with the money. And what will we do if we are forced to play the game again.
Consider a fourth shell in this game: no virus, no gain-of-function research and a select few locations for poisoning. (After all, isn't a level 4 lab just down the road a bit too suspicious?) The "Wuhan sickness" amplified by a waiting media and there you have it. Less expensive, less planning, less likely to run amok and attack the perpetrators. Then continual fake variants to keep the jabs going and get the formula into as many arms as possible, as fast as possible, before the victims figure it out. The entire game is peppered with misleading clues, including headlines from the CIA mouthpiece, the NY Times, that point to the lab in Wuhan. What they are really doing in the 4th level lab may never be known, but I suspect they are playing poker. Using human lives as chips.
throw into this the repo market had lost liquidity in September 2019 and a shell was needed to hide that financial timebomb (give it a slower burning fuse under cover of covid), an already patented 'vaccine' waiting for it's 'virus/infectious clone' to be 'manufactured/exist' and a PCR test to be manipulated all which allowed money printing driving inflation and the march towards the great taking and serfdom for all. Meanwhile we transition from real slavery through debt slavery to identity slavery (and back to real slavery) all under the illusion of fundamental human rights 'except' ....